Vi är stolta och väldigt glada över att ha fått förtroendet att representera denna mycket speciella tillverkare i Sverige.
Listen first, measure afterwards. Theories of physics will never explain how the beauty of music can have such a profound effect on us. When it comes to music, only humans should be the judge.
LHC-208 MKII är en komplett integrerad allt-i-ett förstärkare med streaming och DAC.
CTH-8550 MKII tillhör det absoluta toppskiktet idag inom denna kategori av integrerade förstärkare, vilken också går att utrusta med ett utmärkt MM/MC RIAA.
Tester & Utmärkelser
”Forget the debate about tubes v solid state. Amplifiers like the darTZeel transcend such things. Some amplifiers are just really, really good to listen to. It’s as simple as that. It surely has to do something with the ‘voices’ the amplifier can convey to us and musical tales they tell. It is harmonically rich, very clean, crazily textured and able to resolve everything from micro to large scale dynamics plus it is immaculately seated timing-wise, which is crucial. You don’t need constant examination and evaluation. It would be way too crass. The system just lives and breathes atmosphere. That’s what we have here. The CTH-8550 MkII is a wonderful amplifier because it brings you face to face with the art form called music, and you won’t find how it does it on any spec sheet. You just listen, get involved, and give it your trust. If you love music for its form and emotional power, the darTZeel will thrill you.
I love it.”
Chris Thomas hos HiFi+ har testat CTH-8550 MKII
Presentationer & Guider
LHC-208 MKII (integrerad förstärkare med streaming och DAC), 329.000 kr
CTH-8550 MKII (integrerad förstärkare), 489.000 kr
+ MM RIAA, 14.000 kr
+ MC RIAA, 22.000 kr
+ MM/MC RIAA, 32.000 kr
NHB-18NS (försteg – referensklass), 769.000 kr
+ MM/MC RIAA, kontakta oss
NHB-108 MKII Model Two (stereoslutsteg – referensklass), 769.000 kr
NHB-468 (monoslutsteg – referensklass), 3.200.000 kr
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